
A minimum of 15 hours with grades of C- or above in statistics courses at the 3000 level and above, chosen in consultation with and approved by a departmental adviser. One of the following courses must be included in the 15 hours of study: Stat 3500 Introduction of Probability and Statistics II (3), 4710 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (3), 4750 Introduction to Probability Theory (3), or 4760 Statistical Inference (3). A maximum of 3 of the 15 hours may be in 4085 Problems (1-3)

Declare the minor in Statistics by submitting a form online at the following link: Declaring a Minor and Certificate.  

For more information, please contact the Statistics Director of Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Larry Ries  at

Contact Info

Prof. Larry Ries
Associate Chair and Director of Undergraduate Studies

General Inquiries:

For current Mizzou students, we have a Canvas page with continually-updated information on the statistics major, minor and certificates, and with opportunities for current students.  To self-enroll in the Canvas page click this link: .