PhD, Iowa State University, 1996
Spatio-temporal models, climatology, meteorology, oceanography, dynamical models, Bayesian hierarchical methods, deep learning, reinforcement learning, sports statistics, wildfire modeling, environmental and ecological statistics.
2024 Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2019 Outstanding Reference/Monograph Award (Science and Medicine Category) for Spatio-Temporal Statistics with R, C.K. Wikle, A. Zammit-Mangion and N. Cressie; Taylor and Francis
2019 Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
2018 Elected Fellow of the International Statistical Institute,
2018 J. Stuart Hunter Award/Lecture, International Environmetrics Society (TIES)
2018 Senior Fellow, National Institute of Statistical Sciences, 2018 – present2017
2017 SPAIG Award: Co-awardee – American Statistical Association’s Statistical Partnership Among Academe, Industry, and Government (SPAIG) Award
2017 Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award, U. Missouri Office of Undergraduate Research
2016 Curators’ Distinguished Professor, University of Missouri System, 2016
2016 Wiley-TIES Best Paper Award, for “A model-based approach for analog spatio-temporal dynamic forecasting,” Environmetrics, 2016, 27: 70–82, P. McDermott and C.K. Wikle.
2014 DeGroot Prize, for Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Data from the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
2013 “Science” Inaugural Statistical Board of Reviewing Editors Nomination by American Statistical Association President.
2012 Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award, University of Missouri Graduate School and Graduate Student Association.
2011 PROSE Award, for excellence in the Mathematics Category from the Association of American Publishers, for the 2011 Wiley book, Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Data
2009 Distinguished Alumni Award, Iowa State University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences/Department of Statistics.
2006 Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity in the Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Missouri.
2004 Elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association.
2003 ENVR Distinguished Achievement Award, ASA Section on Statistics and the Environment.
Fall 2024
N/A (On leave Fall24 -Spring25)