PhD, University of Waterloo, 1992
AIDS and Cancer Research, Biostatistics, Survival Analysis, Longitudinal Data Analysis, Chemometrics.
Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute
Fellow of the American Statistical Association
MU Graduate Faculty Mentor Award, 2018
Spring 2024
Zhao, H., Wu, Q., Li, G. and Sun, J. (2020). Simultaneous Estimation and Variable Selection for Interval-Censored Data with Broken Adaptive Ridge Regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115, 204-216.
Du, M., Li, H. and Sun, J. (2020). Additive Hazards Regression for Case-cohort Studies with Interval-censored Data. Statistics and Its Interface, 13, 181-191.
Hu, N., Chen, X. and Sun, J. (2020). Semiparametric Analysis of Short-Term and Long- Term Hazard Ratio Model with Length-Biased and Right-Censored Data. Statistica Sinica, 30, 487-509.
Li, S., Hu., T., Zhao, S. and Sun, J. (2020). Regression Analysis of Multivariate Current Status Data with Semiparametric Transformation Frailty Models. Statistica Sinica, 30, 1117-1134.
Li, H., Ma, C., Li, N. and Sun, J. (2020). A Vine Copula Approach for Regression Anal- ysis of Bivariate Current Status Data with Informative Censoring. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 32, 185-200.