Introduction to Python for Statistics Short Course

by Steven Stehnach, Data Scientist

Date: January 25, 2020 (Saturday), 8.30 am – 4 pm (with lunch break)

Location: Middlebush Hall 142 (Middlebush/Johnson Auditorium)

Due to overwhelming response and huge popularity the attendance cap is set at 150. Please sign up early if you are interested.

All course materials, software requirements, and installation guidelines will be provided on 01/20/2020 through e-mail to the registered participants.

​No refund will be issued after 01/15/2020, 4 pm.

In case of inclement weather on 01/25/2020, a snow day is reserved as 02/01/2020 with identical schedule.


Course Description:

The course will provide a gentle introduction to Python for statistical modeling.  Python is one of the world's most popular programming languages, and is commonly used by major companies for web development purposes. Google has used it for much of their web spider and search engine code, Yahoo built their "Groups" and "Maps" features with it, and the Central Intelligence Agency built their entire website with it. In addition to web development, Python can be found in commercial games, business software, educational applications, animation systems and many other different types of software.